Programs & Apply

  • Reg. Date2024-06-25
  • Application Period 07-01-2024 09:00:00~09-02-2024 18:00:59
  • Contact Park Woojin

2025 Support for Next Generation Policy Experts Network (Non-U.S.)

2025 KF Funding Opportunities

Support for Next Generation Policy Experts Network (Non-U.S.)


Note: For institutions located in the U.S., please go directly to the following page:

2025 Support for Policy-Oriented Research Program (U.S. Only)


For non-U.S. institutions wishing to apply for the Policy-Oriented Research Program, please visit:

2025 Support for Policy-Oriented Research Program (Non-U.S.)


Program Outline

The Next Generation Policy Experts Network program supports partner organizations with expertise in politics and international relations to provide opportunities for young professionals to deepen their understanding of contemporary Korea-related issues and establish academic connections to Korea. The program aims to nurture these young professionals into policy experts capable of providing in-depth analyses and policy recommendations on Korea-related issues.



Academic institutions, think tanks, and other research centers outside of Korea and the U.S.

Applications must be submitted under an institution’s name, not by an individual.


Supported Areas

Projects (in-person or virtual) targeting next generation policy experts must fall into one of the following four categories:

1. A series of conferences, seminars, or workshops focused on Korea-related issues

2. Study trips to Korea

3. Short-term academic mentoring projects pairing senior experts with early-career professionals

4. A combination of the above, or other relevant projects aimed at training the next generation of policy experts on Korea and East Asia


Projects in the natural sciences, public lectures, arts and cultural activities, and commercial activities are not eligible for this program.


Grant Coverage

Project expenses, salaries for researchers and staff, honoraria, travel expenses, publication fees, indirect costs (in an amount of up to 10% of direct costs), etc.


Please note that KF grants do not cover general operating expenses, such as rent, utilities, and administrative salaries unrelated to the project. Additionally, capital expenditures, such as acquiring major equipment not related to the project, are not covered.


Grant Period

Up to one year


Even if institutions have a multi-year project plan, they must apply for the KF Support for Policy-Oriented Research program each year to have their projects reviewed annually.


Program Schedule

1. Application Period: July 1 to September 2, 2024 (by 18:00 KST)


2. Results Notification: By December 31, 2024

Results will be communicated directly to the affiliated institution.


Project and Participant Expectations

1. Project directors are expected to provide academic guidance and expertise throughout the project. The KF will prioritize specialists with a Ph.D. or terminal degree in related fields, and/or teaching/research experience related to Korea.


2. Program participants* should be trainees, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, or early-career faculty. More than half of the participants must have work/research experience related to Korea or demonstrate a proven interest in Korea-related issues.


3. Expected outcomes from participants include:
- Individual reports/essays on their activities and how to incorporate similar experiences into future academic activities
- Journal articles/policy memos on project topics
- Videos, podcasts, or other academic activity output
These outcomes should be compiled and included in the final report submitted to the KF.

*The KF encourages institutions to recruit young professionals from the region or country where the institution is located, regardless of their nationality. However, participant selection is not a prerequisite for applying for the program.


Required Documents

1. Online application: Please click the "Apply" button below this webpage.


2. Application materials to be uploaded with the online application

- Project proposal

- Project budget in US dollars

- CVs of project director, co-investigators, and/or co-organizers


Application Guidelines

Applications and all required documents must be submitted in Korean or English by September 2, 2024 throughy the "Apply" button.


Evaluation Criteria

Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate:


- Excellence of the research plan

- Capacity and experience of project director’s achievements and activities related to Korea and East Asia

- Budget feasibility

- Anticipated results of the proposed project and plans for dissemination of research findings


All applications will be reviewed by an external review committee composed of experts in policy research.



Selected applicants will conclude a grant agreement with the KF and must submit the following within the grant period:


1. Final report in the KF’s format, signed by the project director

2. Financial statement in the KF’s format, endorsed by the institution’s highest financial officer

3. Project outcomes, including any relevant publications, articles, program books, links to videos or podcasts, etc.


Important Reminders

1. Applicant institutions must notify the KF of any relevant changes to the information contained in the project plan after submission.


2. During the application screening process, the KF may request additional information or adjustments to the project plan.



Please review the Frequently Asked Questions for the Support for Policy-Oriented Research program to see answers to simple questions and issues.  [Go to FAQ]


For technical assistance, contact:

For inquiries about the program, contact:


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