2018-2019 Arts and Cultural Exchange Program
Program Outline |
The Korea Foundation (KF) offers sponsorship support for a variety of Korea-related cultural exchange programs being implemented by organizations abroad as part of its efforts to promote understanding and friendship between Korea and other countries.
Eligible Applicants |
1. Overseas organizations organizing arts and cultural programs 2. Overseas universities with Korean studies centers or Korea programs - Applications from individuals will not be considered, and an eligible organization can apply for only one project per year - Korea-based organizations are not eligible for program support
Projects Period |
To be eligible for the consideration of program support, proposed projects must be conducted between January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.
Eligible Projects |
- Performing arts events related to Korea’s music, dance, and theater - Visual arts exhibitions that feature Korea-related paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, photography, ceramics, installation and/or media art - Lectures, workshops, and seminars on the performing/visual arts of Korea - Projects to introduce Korean arts and culture using film, video, and recordings - Comprehensive projects related to above genres
※ Ineligible Projects 1. Projects for commercial gain or the promotional activities of certain individuals or organizations 2. Projects targeted at minority groups such as overseas Koreans 3. Projects implemented on a private (non-public) basis 4. Production of film, video, and recording works 5. Projects that receive support from other Korean government organizations/agencies, such as the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Arts Council Korea, Korea Arts Management Service, Korean Culture and Information Services, and Overseas Koreans Foundation. (Overlapping support not allowed.) 6. The KF’s program support in the previous year but were not actually implemented.
Program Support |
The KF provides selective support for the direct costs of the following items: 1. Performances - Airfare (economy-class, group discount rate) - Transportation of performance equipment 2. Exhibitions - Packing/removal, transportation, customs fees, and insurance of artworks - Partial support is available for the publication of exhibition catalogs and airfare for persons directly involved in the exhibition
3. Lectures, workshops, and seminars on the performing/visual arts of Korea - Partial support is available for event programs and airfare for persons directly involved in the lectures, workshops, and seminars
4. Projects to introduce Korean arts and culture related to such media as film, video, and recordings - Partial support is available for event programs and airfare for persons directly involved in the projects
※ Local expenses, such as venue rental and accommodations and the production fees of the works are not eligible for support.
Program Schedule |
1. Application Period: July 1, 2017 to August 31, 2017 (18:00 KST) 2. Project Evaluation: September to November, 2017 3. Notification of Results: December 2017 4. Grant Agreement: from January 2018 5. Disbursement of Grant: upon the KF's approval of the Final Project Plan
How to Apply |
All required documents must be prepared in Korean or English and submitted via the KF Online Application System (http://apply.kf.or.kr).
Evaluation Criteria |
1. Quality of proposed project - Creativity, originality and artistic competence are expected - Projects that highlight Korean arts and culture or those with a Korea related theme and/or elements - Preference will be given to the projects including community outreach activities (social contribution activities) such as workshop, master class or talent donation events
- 2. Credibility and Experience of Applicant Organization
- Previous activities and vetted experiences of the applicant organization and project participants - Evaluation of any past projects that have received the KF's grant support
- 3. Reasonableness of Budget Planning
- Soundness and cost efficiency of the project budget and funding plans - Capability to mobilize additional financial resources - Cost-sharing arrangement for project implementation
- 4. Expected impact of proposed project
- Expected outcomes in terms of cultural exchange value - Long-term sustainable and collaborative project between Korean and overseas artists - Preference will be given to cultural events of countries with which Korea celebrates the anniversary of diplomatic ties or international events (e.g. festivals, biennale) which feature Korea as country of the year
Important Reminders |
1. After the submission of a project application, if it is necessary to modify/adjust the project details, the applicant must immediately discuss this situation with the KF. 2. After submission of a project application, the applicant agrees to submit additional materials upon the KF’s request and to discuss with the KF any possible adjustments to the project’s related details. 3. Before grant funds are made available to a recipient institution, the institution agrees to enter into a project Grant Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the KF’s support, including an acceptable project schedule and project budget with itemized costs, and the respective obligations of the institution and the KF. 4. The project must be implemented in accordance with the approved project schedule as outlined in the project Grant Agreement. 5. The KF’s program support must be used in accordance with the approved project budget and related cost items. 6. Recipient institutions are required to submit project reports to the KF in accordance with the project Grant Agreement. The report must be accompanied by an accounting statement signed by the recipient institution’s financial officer. 7. The recipient institution and participating organizations shall not receive any additional financial assistance for the project from other Korean government organizations/agencies, such as the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Arts Council Korea, Korea Arts Management Service, Korean Culture and Information Services, and Overseas Koreans Foundation. |
Contact |
Arts & Culture Department T. +82-2-2046-8641/ E-mail. miyoungkim@kf.or.kr Inquiries about KF Online Application System: helpdesk@kf.or.kr or ‘Help Desk’ board on this Web-site